Bringing together anonymously those needing prayer and Christians willing to pray for them; calling and equipping people for this work.

God’s original "insight or word of wisdom" to Catherine has developed into the Breakthrough Ministry. God’s design was so simple and perfect. Breakthrough has never lost sight of that original insight.

To help you as a new Christian Intercessor for Breakthrough, we want to walk you through the elements of the original vision as they are reflected in the ministry’s Mission Statement.

  • Anonymously
    Breakthrough provides an individual in need of prayer with the freedom to request prayer knowing that their identity will always remain anonymous. An individual’s identity is protected to the degree that the Intercessor is only given the individual’s first name and the country where they live and is not sent to Intercessors from the same state/country as the prayer requester.
  • Those Needing Prayer
    Breakthrough does not place any requirement on the individual seeking prayer. All that the individual needs to do is submit their prayer need to Breakthrough.
  • Christians Willing to Pray
    To be a Breakthrough Intercessor you must acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Every individual requesting prayer knows thatonly Christians will be praying for their need.
  • Calling
    Breakthrough is always open to new Christian Intercessors joining this ministry. As the number of requests for prayer grows, we seek a greater number of Intercessors.  We believe that God chooses and calls individuals to this ministry.  Please pray for His leading about entering this work.
  • Equipping
    Breakthrough provides Christian Intercessors with a continuing series of examples of how God answers prayer. We use God’s Word (The Bible) to teach the "how to’s" of prayer. Breakthrough equips through its magazine about prayer, The Breakthrough Intercessor, The Breakthrough Handbook for Intercessors, prayer conferences and special teachings.